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Climate risk in real estate investing. It's time to take it seriously.

Jay Ha

Take a look at the climate risk feature from census tract to city level

By using multiple data sources, we introduce our new climate risk feature. We focus on the 10 most frequently occurring disaster types: coastal flooding, drought, earthquake, hail, heat wave, riverine flooding, strong wind, tornado, wildfire, and winter weather. Climate risk factors are one of the significant factors that influence land and housing values. In our product, you can easily check out the annual frequency and risk scores of each type of disaster.

The annual frequency and risk scores are normalized values ranging from 0 to 100, allowing users to compare the numbers across multiple areas. We use data on the record of disaster occurrence and further address the expected impact of each disaster. In other words, annual frequency shows how each disaster type frequently occurs, and the risk scores illustrate the impact size of disasters on land and housing assets. For instance, a certain disaster may not frequently occur, while the destruction impact could be large. To enable this feature, we use multiple datasets from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Community and Regional Resilience Institute, the US Department of Agriculture, and the United States Geological Survey.

As shown in the figure below, coastal flooding frequently occurs both in New York and Miami regions. However, the destructive impact is greatly larger in Miami than in New York. Another significant feature is that wildfire frequently occurs in Miami having a large damaging influence. Overall, the climate risk is greater in Miami than in New York as frequently occurring disasters are expected to lead to destructive events.

Our climate risk feature is now available for different spatial levels. Select a region you are interested in and click the climate risk button in our right-hand side panel. If you are interested in any other types of disaster, please contact us. Based on our customers’ feedback, we expect to revise and extend our climate risk features.

Keep posted

The climate risk features will be updated after receiving customers' feedback on our beta release.

Q & A?

Jay Ha

Head of Urban Research

Doctoral student in Urban Planning at USC

Do you find our new feature interesting? Do you have any other components you wish to explore in our Market Stadium platform? Please feel free to reach out Jay (

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