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Jay Ha

Follow the employment hubs where high-income millennials work with Market Stadium

We introduce our new feature on major employment centers.

By using the most fine-grained and detailed data on employment, we added the location of major employment centers to our product. Our urban research team applied the latest scientific algorithm to generate employment centers. Turn on the "Major Employment Hub" option in our layer drop-down list to explore it.

In addition to the location of major employment centers, we provide detailed attributes of each center. To explore the characteristics of each employment center, simply hover your cursor over the polygon of a center. You can easily check:

  • Total number of jobs

  • % of workers by age (under 30, older than 54)

  • % of workers with a bachelor or higher degree

  • % of workers by income (low, high)

  • Top 3 industry types

The map below shows an example of the case of Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim metropolitan region. As we can imagine, this region has small and large subcenters located throughout the region. It is quite different from what you can imagine for the metropolitan region located in New York or Chicago.

Wait, but why?

Why are the locations of major employment centers important? The price of real estate is highly associated with accessibility to employment opportunities. Furthermore, it is critical to focus on locations that have access to high-quality jobs (e.g. jobs from high-tech and bio industries, start-ups, jobs that pay high salaries, and also jobs where the millennials aspire to go). Our new feature allows investors to check the location of jobs and their attributes with just one click.

Visit our product and explore the location of your interest:

  • Is your location close to one or more employment centers?

  • If so, are the jobs located within the employment centers valuable?

  • Do the sociodemographic of the jobs match your age, education, and income level of your customer focus?

Keep posted

The location and attributes of major employment centers will be updated annually. Since we are using the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) data, we expect to have an updated result at the end of each year.

Q & A?

Jay Ha

Head of Urban Research

Doctoral student in Urban Planning at USC

Do you find our new feature interesting? Do you have any other components you wish to explore in our Market Stadium platform? Please feel free to reach out Jay (

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