Take a look at the commuting pattern of residents from metropolitan to Census Tract level.
By using the location of the workplace and home of residents, we visualize the commuting pattern for each metropolitan area. This new feature represents the origin and destination of commute trips focusing on major patterns. Simply turn on the "Commuting" option in the Layer drop-down list.
In the drop-down list, you are able to select one option to designate the population group you are interested in. Based on the criteria defined in the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics data, you are able to visualize the commuting pattern of workers by age, income, and also industry. The attributes are:
All commuters
By age (29 or younger, 30 to 54, and 55 or older)
By income (low, mid, and high)
By industry (Goods producing, Transportation and Utility, and all others)
Have a look at the example below, which shows the case of the Los Angeles region. We are visualizing the commuting pattern of all workers regardless of their age, income, and industry. The darker lines represent where there are many commuters for the origin and destination point. We can see a lot of workers commuting to DTLA, Burbank, and West Hollywood from residential areas.
Why should I care?
Commuting patterns provide two valuable pieces of information. Where people work and where people live. For example, if you are interested in the lifestyle of millennials, check their commuting pattern. You can easily get a sense of where they are working and living, which provides you insights on how to target them as potential customers. On the other hand, you can also focus on high-income groups. Since they are more likely to select their home based on their preference, you could get some knowledge about where they want to live. Here are some points you can consider for your targeted population group.
How are their commuting patterns? Long, short?
Where do they mostly work? How does it relate to our features on major employment centers and retail corridors?
And, where do they mostly live?
Keep posted
The commuting pattern will be updated annually. Since we are using the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) data, we expect to have an updated result at the end of each year.
Q & A?
Jay Ha
Head of Urban Research
Doctoral student in Urban Planning at USC
Do you find our new feature interesting? Do you have any other components you wish to explore in our Market Stadium platform? Please feel free to reach out Jay (jay@marketstadium.com)
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